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Victory International Ministries

"A Church of Prayer, Praise, and Prophecy."

Our Mission


Victory International Ministries is a ministry grounded in God’s Word, with a solid commitment to providing opportunities that will educate, equip and encourage all people to grow in Christ through worship, prayer, study, service, fellowship and evangelism.

What You Will Experience

Our Focus

The Worship Experience – Praise and Worship through Singing, Giving & the Word, allowing the people of God to come together corporately for the purpose of honoring God, being spiritually strengthened and uplifted.  


The Power of Prayer In this high-tech era of Communication, there is still none greater than that of Prayer, “our two-way conversation with the Lord.”  It’s a wonderful thing to know that the Lord is waiting to hear from us!


The Reward of StudyThe Lord would not have us ignorant.  Throughout the gospels, Jesus spent most of his time teaching his disciples and the multitude of people who often followed Him.  Therefore, we find that knowledge is as important for the Kingdom as it is for our day to day living.


Rendering Service as unto the Lord – Ephesians 6:7 tells us that no matter who we are serving, we should do our best, as if we were serving the Lord himself.  A church representative of God has an obligation to recognize the unmet needs of others, and lend aide and assistance, not only as quickly as possible, but without recognition.  


A Faithful Fellowship As it was in the book of Acts, if we forsake not the assembling of ourselves, lives can and will be changed.  Acts 2 tells us that the people devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship and breaking of bread and prayer.  They were all on one accord having all things in common.  Because of this fellowship, many were added to the church daily. 


The Effects of Evangelism - We, the church, must have the ability to communicate the Good News of Jesus with non-believers, as well as those possibly wavering in their faith. 

About the Ministry

~Who We Are~


Established in September 2008 under the leadership of Pastor Karen E. Belton, we are a non-denominational, multi-cultural, spirit filled church. As former affiliate of Tabernacle of Praise International Ministries Incorporated, we were officially consecrated in April 2009 by the founder and former Overseer, Dr. Roy C. Jeffcoat.  In December 2012, the ministry, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, made a progressive decision to move forward in ministry under the sole authority of Victory International Ministries. We are currently an affiliate member of Global United Fellowship under the leadership of Presiding Prelate, His Grace, Bishop Neil C. Ellis.    

~The Place for You~


When you visit with us at VIM, you will immediately notice that we are not just an ordinary church.  We are experiencing the glory of God in the most unusual ways.  You may find us worshipping the Lord inside or outside, formal or informal.  Most would say there’s no place like VIM.  Come fellowship with us and see for yourself!  We would love to see you!

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