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Pastor Karen Belton


Leading the Way

As a Marketing & Management Major, Rev. Belton has capitalized on her training and experiences, having opportunity to work in executive and management positions, as well as business ownership.


Believing that God’s Word is true, in I Corinthians 3:7, the Apostle Paul tells us that “one plants, another waters but God’s gives the increase.”  Therefore, immolating the Word of God, Pastor Belton began her walk with the Lord early in life, first having the seed planted in her life by nurturing family members, then being watered by the saints of God in the church, until one day, God gave the increase, and she heard the voice of Lord for herself.


Since that time, she has been actively involved in the many facets of Kingdom Building work for the Lord. She grew up very active in the ministries of the Rock Hill Baptist Church under the leadership of pastors, Rev. J. L. Perkins, Rev. Eugene Steadman, and Rev. W.N. Stallworth.   The Lord later sent her to the St. Luke Baptist Church in Winnsboro, South Carolina, where she continued to grow spiritually, under the leadership of Dr. Roy C. Jeffcoat.  Though working for the Lord for many years, she accepted and acknowledged her call into the Ministry of the Preaching Gospel in February 2007.  Rev. Belton has since, had opportunity to teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus, not only locally, but internationally, being a part of God’s plan on the mission field in Kenya, East Africa.   Through her missions and church planting efforts, she has assisted in the planting of several churches, including one of her own, bearing the name “Ushindi Baptist,” in the Rift Valley of Lodwar for the Turkana Tribe. 


As founder, Pastor Belton has been inspiring the Victory International Ministries community since September 2008. Considered to be the most distinguished figure in our Church, Pastor Belton is committed to providing members of the congregation with spiritual truth and guidance.  

She currently serves as Executive Director of The Church Resource Network for Catalyst Missions Group, focused on bringing opportunities and resources to the black church.  She is a member of the Progressive National Baptist Convention, serving as 1st Vice President of Missions.  She is also a member of the Global United Fellowship under the leadership of Bishop Neil C. Ellis, where she serves as a member of the Finance Team for The Gathering.  As a visionary, God has blessed her to mentor other ministers and young pastors through her experience and published work, “The Associate Minister.”   She also reaches the young adult community through “The Live Network Party,” a ministry of face-to-face and digital network, navigating the Christian walk in a secular world.  

Pastor Belton is a proud native of Lugoff, South Carolina, USA.  She now resides in the Longtown Community of Fairfield County.  She is honored to claim as her husband, Mr. Van Belton, of Ridgeway, S.C.  They are blessed with two sons Adam and Larkin.


Go to Contact Us, to set up a meeting, an interview, or to submit a request for Pastor Belton to speak at one of your events! 

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